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Celebrating Our Talented Graduates: Finalists in the Rookies 2024

Teacher Artwork by Krist Miha

With the finalists for the prestigious Rookies 2024 awards announced, we asked the Director of Studies, Kirsty, to say a few words about each of our finalists for The Rookies Awards. She had so much to say that we she ended up writing this whole article. Having seen these students put in so much hard work and rise to the challenges of the program, Kirsty couldn’t contain her pride while writing about them Click on the name of the students to view their IP projects that they submitted to The Rookies.

“All of our students created fantastic work in the program, thanks to their dedication and commitment to constant improvement, and from the guidance of our instructors. However, I would like to focus on three students in particular who graduated this past spring 2024 and are now finalists for the Rookies.

For the portfolio project, I presented a collection of stories to the students that they had to choose from to develop their portfolio projects around, imagining that the core themes or elements of the story were being retold and made into a video game or movie. In exploring and world-building with these stories, they built up and created unique worlds, dynamic characters, and interesting props to flesh out the story they wanted to bring forward. I won’t go into much detail about the students’ projects themselves; they provide more in-depth explanations on their Rookies pages. Instead, I would like to take a moment to talk about them while they were students with us at Syn Studio in the AEC: Concept Art Program.”

Matheus’ Project: INFERNO

“Matheus’ project, Inferno, focused on the famous Greek story of Orpheus and Eurydice. Matheus, affectionately known as “Nachos,” is a kind individual who was not afraid to take time to help others. His dedication to his craft and attention to detail is evident in every aspect of his work. Matheus approached his project with a unique perspective, blending traditional storytelling with innovative design. His ability to create compelling narratives and visually stunning artwork set him apart initially as an applicant to our program, and he’s built upon those skills tenfold to produce and amazing portfolio project. Throughout the program, Matheus consistently supported his peers, offering advice and encouragement. His collaborative spirit and exceptional talent make him a standout artist. I’m excited to see where his journey takes him, and I’m confident that his future is bright.”

Daniel’s Project: .SOUL

“Daniel’s project, .SOUL, was based on the famous Greek story of Orpheus and Eurydice. Daniel is one of the most tenacious and ambitious students to have entered our program. He possesses a keen sense of curiosity and a drive to explore new things and different angles. Throughout the program, Daniel demonstrated a range of skills and knowledge in various styles, techniques, and software adaptability. Every time I saw him, he had a sketchbook in hand or a tablet pen, constantly sketching and iterating. If he encountered something he didn’t know how to do, he was determined to learn and see if it was something he could adapt and apply within his own project. I’m incredibly proud of Daniel’s development and growth during the program, and I can only see great things for him in the future.”

Janessa’s Project: MIKO

“Janessa’s project, MIKO, was based on the 1997 animated film Anastasia. Janessa is a positive and upbeat individual who always seemed to be working on her project. She was incredibly kind to everyone, eager to learn, and never buckled under the pressure of the busy school schedule. Her entrance portfolio already demonstrated skill, but her graduation portfolio is a night and day comparison, showcasing tremendous growth as an artist. I loved scrolling through her WIP boards and watching her project flourish over the weeks with new ideas, designs, and techniques. Janessa’s dedication and passion for her work were evident in every piece she created. She was always willing to take on new challenges and push her creative boundaries. Janessa’s positive attitude and enthusiasm made her an absolute pleasure to have at our school. She fostered a collaborative and supportive environment, often encouraging her peers and sharing her insights. Her infectious positivity and kindness touched everyone around her. I have no doubt that Janessa will be a force in the industry, and her positive attitude will continue to inspire those around her wherever she goes.”

Our next batch of AEC Program students start this September! We are eager to watch their growth as artists and see the incredible artwork they will create by the end of the program. We wish these finalists good luck for this competition and we know they will have amazing careers going forward.


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